Python3 Roadmap and Resources Guide For Beginners

Zuber Kariye
5 min readJul 16, 2022


Hello, welcome back! My name is Zuber, and I am interested in programming because it helps everyone in their journey in the tech field no matter even if you’re in the IT/Helpdesk! Many people in the cybersecurity industries say programming or coding is not necessary which is true but it will help you in so many situations that you come across, at least just learn the fundamentals of it. Coding/programming will help us and make our daily tasks easier by automating the boring and repetitive tasks that we face daily basis.

I was recently asked where to learn programming languages such as[Python] which is more like a scripting language that can do wonderful things across different platforms such as Linux, Windows, and macOS. So, I dig into the interwebs to find some good resources that could help beginners like myself and decided to share them here! Let’s get into it!

Disclaimer: 90% of this stuff is not mine and we collected it from the internet and social media.

Here are some resources that I recommend to anyone who’s starting or want to learn the programming language named [Python]. Just like anything in life or when learning new stuff, we start from the basics and move to an advanced level as we learn more and progress.

  • The Fundamentals
  1. Basics of Terminal / Movement / Command Line Usage.
  2. Basic Arithmetic: [+, -, /, * or (x)]
  3. Accepting User Input
  4. For and While Loops
  5. Exception Handling
  6. if/else statement
  7. Function / Modules and Import
  • The Intermediate
  1. Object-Oriented Programming in Python → Classes, Objects and Methods
  2. PIP(pypip)
  3. List Slicing
  4. String Formatting
  5. Dictionaries and Tuples
  6. Management Environment
  7. Dunder Method like[init]
  • Advanced Concepts
  1. Lambda Functions
  2. Built-in Libraries such as [CSV, Requests, Sys, Sqlite, etc]
  3. Map and Filter
  4. *Args and **kargs
  5. Async
  6. Decorators

I recommend everyone to learn all these if you’re just starting your journey in python, all of these can be found on the internet/interwebs/google, and Youtube for free[zero cost]. Go them in order just like how I mentioned and I put all of them.

Preparation | Tools, etc:

You’ll need to install python3 latest version on your operating system, whether that is macOS, Windows, or Linux, here are some ways to do that!

  • Installing python3 on macOS
  • First, let’s update and upgrade the system using these two commands

brew update && brew upgrade [Let this finished]

Mine is already up-to-date so I just have to cancel it using CTRL/CMND + Z/CInstall python using this command

brew install python3

I also have this installed already so, I just need to cancel as well!

Windows Installtion via GUI

  • It's going to be different to install windows, since I don’t use Windows, and don’t have it locally, you can just click this link which will take you to the official python website and follow along, google or search on YouTube if you get stuck!
  • Link →

Installing Python on Linux

  • The process of doing this on Linux is straightforward and easy. Similar to macOS.
  • Here is how to do it

Update and upgrade the system first:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Wait until it's finished then install python using the below command like so,

sudo apt install python3

It's already installed on my machine for me but let it be finished if this is your first time installing it and do not press any key on the keyboard!

Editor To Code

If you want to be productive and have a nice/smoothie environment to code then you will need to install tools like vscode, sublime, etc.

These are my favorite two tools/editors to code, here’s how to install them.

macOS Operating System

Windows OS

For Linux Users

For those who likely don’t have enough storage on their machine, there is another option for you. You can learn through the browser

Now that you’re done installing the tools that you need, here are some good resources to learn python!

The first thing I recommend for anyone who wants to learn programming or anything is to go to the official documentation and learn from there, but this can be confused and a little bit overwhelming for beginners, so here is a good video to start out with.

More Resources To Learn and Practice

END: I am going to terminate this here, I don’t want to keep it long, don’t be overwhelmed, and just start the way I put all of them. I myself will be using these resources to learn Python too. You can’t learn everything at once or over a night so take your time wisely and make sure to not skip the basics!

I apologized for any mistakes, grammar errors, or anything related to it. I learned English a few years ago when I came to the US a few years ago so just letting you know!

Thank you for reading and appreciate your time.



Zuber Kariye

Teen into computers and cybersecurity! Wannabe threat hunter, and pentester! Interested in programming, science and history!